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By My Spirit – Ii Silk Printed Worship Flags

By My Spirit – Ii Silk Printed Worship Flags

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Worship Flags Design

By My Spirit - II

Many believers, especially the charismatic chase after prophets and teachers, hoping to receive an impartation of their anointing they carried.

Yet the bible is very clear. The TRUE working of that power, that anointing, that miracle and healing is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

God has ordained that every believer when they confess Christ as Lord receives Him in person of the Holy Spirit. Yet, the majority is ignorant of the working of this gentle (dove) and yet powerful Spirit of God.

The same Spirit of God is presence in the beginning of creation, even now new stars are created each moment as the spirit moves. The entire universe is still expanding.

Man, move by the Spirit of God, continues to call forth what is NOT into being. Hands, legs & Eyeballs that are missing is still being created instantly where there is no resistance to the Spirit of God.

The power and might of the Holy Spirit is easily quenched by unbelief. The power and might of God is NOT at our disposal. Yet, when we are at His disposal, He ALWAYS manifests in EXPLOSIVE Power and Might.

Only when we begin to fully realize Whom (the treasure) we are carrying in this earthen vessel, will we experience how signs and wonder will follow those who believe. Mark 16:17-18

John 3:16

16 When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and [b]He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.

17 And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

Jesus comes as an example of how the Sons and Daughter of God should manifest. Greater work shall he do for those who believe. (John 14:12)

Worship Flags Features

Ultra light and Flowing

Experience Level: AWESOME for Beginners to Advanced

Weight: Very light

Flow characteristic: Fast

Sound: Low to Medium

Set: 1 flags

Fabric: Custom Printed Habotai Silk

Cut: Straight rolled hem outer edge

Telescopic Fiberglass Pole (Not wood) with bush bearing Flag swirl & easily around the pole and will not fall off
Worship Flags Approximate Size:
XM (49" x 35") Telescopic (107 grams)

LL (56″ x 40″) Telescopic (107 grams)
Quill (106 grams) – Flexible Flow Rod

Less that 0.2KG including Flag
Worship Flags Lead-time

3-4 weeks when stock is not available.
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