
Kingship, kingdom glory, God or gods. See Colors (Yellow). The riches of the glory of God; enduring capacity of the believer as over comer; unchanging holiness; wisdom; glory; righteousness; glorifying self when used as adornment or as idol worship.
(Lam. 4: 2; Ps. 19: 10, 119: 72; Rev. 3: 18, 21: 18. 21; 1 Cor. 3: 12; Ex. 20: 23; Is. 40: 19; Job 22: 25)

Purity that dispels the darkness; righteousness; God’s majesty; blameless; washed white by the blood; redeemed; God’s glory; white is associated with light and the new heavens and earth; victory; completion; can also be purely evil.
(Rev. 1: 14; 2: 17, 3: 4; 6: 2, 11; 20: 11; Is. 1: 18; Dan. 7: 9; John 4: 35; Mark 16: 4)

Understanding; knowledge; purity; cleanliness; redemption; idolatry; Words of God; promises of God; worldly knowledge; cleansed and ready for use; very precious to God; used as betrayal; furnace of adversity.
(Proverbs 2: 3-4; Ex. 26: 19; Gen. 37: 28; Judges 17: 4; 1 Kings 7: 51; Ez. 7: 19-20; Matt. 26: 15; Is. 1: 22; Acts 19: 24; 1 Cor. 3: 12; Job 28: 1; Ps. 12: 6)

Symbol of famine and death. Opposite of white and purity; judgment of God; death; famine; sin; ignorance; darkness; demonic army; Jesus’ death on the cross.
(Rev. 6: 2-12; Lam. 4: 8; Jer. 8: 21; Matt 27: 45; Ps. 18: 9, 11; 97:2; 104: 2; Ex. 20: 21; Zeph. 1: 15; Joel 2: 2)

Royalty, wealth, prosperity. Kingly; wealth; prince; authority; political power and wealth in the sense of dishonesty and wickedness (Babylon); royalty; majesty power in wealth and royalty; expensive to buy.
(Dan. 7: 5, 16, 29; Judges 8: 26; John 19: 2, 5; Rev. 17: 4; 18: 16; Acts 16: 14; Prov. 6: 27; Acts 2: 3; Zech. 5: 2; Is. 6: 5-7; Luke 12: 49-53; Song 8: 6; Heb. 12: 29; Heb. 1:7)

Also Scarlet and Crimson: The blood of Jesus; warfare; sacrifice; passion; strong emotion; forgiveness; cleansing; zealousness; deep sins; conquest; wine; complexion.
(Lev. 4: 7; Prov. 23: 31; Rev. 6: 4-7, 12: 3; 17: 3-6; Ex. 26: 14; 2 Kings 3: 22; Lev. 14: 4, 6, 49-52; Heb. 9: 11; Is. 1: 18; Na. 2: 3; Josh 2: 18, 21)

Prosperity, growth, life. Life; can be good or evil life; life of the flesh;. provision; rest and peace.
(1 Peter 1: 24; Gen. 1: 30; 9: 3; Ps. 23: 2)

Symbol of Heaven. The Holy Spirit; heaven; heavenly visitation.
(Numbers 15: 38; Ex. 28; Num. 4)

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